Harmony Ultimate Home Remote Review

I recently threw in the towel and decided to upgrade my old Harmony 700 remote for the latest and greatest Logitech Harmony Ultimate Home remote. I had been debating it for a month or so because at $350 it seemed rather pricey. I was drawn to switching it up for a few reasons. 1) My Harmony […]
Operation Media Center – Update 2014
It has been four years since I first installed the media center and I have gone through a few iterations since its inception so I thought I’d write an update on what has evolved. The latest additions in 2014 are as follows: Sonos system – Play1’s in the bedroom, dining room, bathroom & 2 Play3’s in […]
Sonos rocks my world

Wait. What? Why didn’t anyone tell me how awesome Sonos has become?!? I feel like such a techno loser right now for not being up to date on the Sonos revolution. Yes, I have heard of Sonos before. But the idea that they were some proprietary mid-range expensive music system with a shitty remote was […]