My Book Live NAS failure

I’m so terribly, terribly disappointed and frustrated today by the fact that my Western Digital My Book Live NAS has decided to take a crap.  Now it hasn’t take the biggest crap that a hard drive can take which is to be unrecoverable and files are all lost.  But it has taken a crap in […]

Chanukah House!

For all those Jews that are jealous of the Gingerbread Christmas houses, you can have your own!  Man o Manischewitz! via Chanukah House Decorating Kit Vanilla Cookie Decorating Kit: Grocery & Gourmet Food.

Kindle Fire – after a week of usage – review

Kindle Fire - after a week of usage - review

Let me preface this “review” by saying that I have owned every single Kindle version since they came out. From that big ugly bulky white thing until now. I also have an Android phone that is rooted and has a custom ROM called MIUI installed and am a proud owner of an iPad and a […]

Amazon vs. California: The Fight by the Numbers

via $200,000,000: Dollars per year California stands to take in under a law requiring online retailers to collect state sales tax.  $5,250,000: Dollars Amazon has already donated to an effort to repeal the law.  $13,000,000,000: Dollars cut in June from the state’s two university systems because of budget shortfalls.  2,257,000: Californians unemployed (PDF) in […]