Asians all look the same, apparently

I received this tweet today: @nerdgirl do you have an alter ego called Dana? I guess that all Asians look the same. For the record, I am not Dana Oshiro. I am, however, her biggest fan.
Perry Enjoys a Corndog

Campaigning outside Pittsburgh today, GOP frontrunner Rick Perry attended a picnic at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Oil City where he enjoyed a foot long corndog.
Millimalikas – Vintage Skype drink video

via Oh the good old days at Skype in Tallinn where we used to go out and drink heavily and wander the cold streets. One of the favorite things to do was to go to Bar Vali and drink millimallikas. It was your Skype initiation. I made this video for a company all hands […]
Asians are marrying later, and less, than in the past

via An interesting piece in The Economist on the decline of marriage in Asia. It appears that the ladies are sick of playing second fiddle to those Asian men and are getting educated and staying single. Can you blame them? Some points from the article: In the richest parts—Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong […]
Vintage goodness. E-learning pre-iPad.

via Photo Source: David Gowing I saw one of these today in the Rochester Play Museum (which, btw, is totally awesome) and it brought back a host of memories from my childhood. We had a Little Professor calculator when we were kids to help hone our math abilities. We also had the infamous Speak and […]
A very disturbing toy

Really? Archie Bunker’s grandson doll?
Herro! I want a Clone Factory doll

via Jibun-san wedding dolls made at the Clone Factory in Tokyo are kind of awesome, if not totally creepy. I want one. For the small price of $1,770…
Accidental Chinese Hipsters

via I love this tumblog. A-mazing.
Brilliantly Sarcastic Responses To Completely Well-Meaning Signs

via Thanks @bandrew for this one. Made me laugh.
Poor is blocked in certain airports…

It appears that some 3rd party filtering system thinks that is porn related. Booohoo.