Just The Tip or The Story of How Oscar Lost His Tail

In the annals of bad pet ownership I should receive a new award. I failed my poor kitten Oscar miserably and epically this last week. All in the name of trying to actually help him. Let me try to describe Oscar for those of you who don’t actually know him personally. He is a tiny, bald, […]
Where is Nerdgirl?
I have been super bad at updating the site lately. There are a few reasons for this. One of them is I tend not to write when things are going well because I am feeling so good that I don’t want to tie myself down on this blog and would prefer to enjoy the moment. And then the […]
Find the others

ZEN PENCILS – 102. TIMOTHY LEARY: You aren’t like them.
Namaste – Leaving Peru

Wow. Just wow. I am on my last night in Peru and I am speechless. I am heartbroken to depart the soil that has so captured my soul. Words can not even begin to express the multitude of emotions that I have been through in the past week and half. Words can not even begin […]
Happy birthday to me

Another year. Another karaoke birthday party! Had an awesome night with great friends. Getting old isn’t traumatising me as much as one might think. I am actually ok with it. Must be because I am blessed with that Asian thing where I don’t look as old as I actually am.
And We Used to Be Royals

So unfair, getting carded is getting rare.
Have a very merry fake Christmas

Yep. I’ll admit it. I have a fake Christmas tree. I love it! I got it at Target for about $60 last year on sale. It has the lights basically built into it so there is no fuss to getting it up. The rest of the year I keep it in storage downstairs. My mom […]
We Were Made to Be Awesome

Create something that will make the world awesome.
What I do when I’m jetlagged

Operation No Microwave

I have been wanting to get rid of this blasted microwave for some time, but it has been lingering around my house. The only reason that I had it in the first place was because Mark had to get rid of his during his kitchen remodel and I figured that it might be useful or […]