A few hospital photos

Ugh. I hate hospitals. Who doesn’t hate hospitals. When I would get bored in my room, I’d take pictures. Here are some of them. More images.
Transverse Myelitis

A little video to show you what transverse myelitis is. This is what is causing me to have difficulty walking. You can read more up on it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transverse_myelitis http://www.transversemyelitis.net/sample-page/transverse-myelitis-prognosis/ I’d like to think that I am in the category of: About one-third of people affected with transverse myelitis experience good or full recovery from […]
How to Self Catheterize

This is definitely not something that I ever imagined I would have to learn to do, but I guess it is a must at this point. In case you were wondering what self catheterization involves, I had included this handy video so you can see what I have to do through 4 lovely times a […]
Health update – 3

Went to the Urologist today. This involved 2 grown women and me in a bathroom trying to teach me to self catheterize. This is not only uncomfortable, but embarrassing. Using my iphone flashlight and mirror with someone yelling at you to hold your labia wide and open. And the catheter keeps slipping into the wrong […]
Learning to Walk again

Learning to walk again. July 5th, 2012
Health update 2

Went to various doctor appointments today. Got through them relatively unscathed. The one thing that I did was take a fall in the bathroom this morning. I was OK, but I think I scared the crap out of my mom. I was reaching for something in the bathtub and lost my balance and fell over […]
Pill popper
Ugh. I am on so many medications right now that I had to write it all down to keep track. Looks something like this: Paxil 10mg 2-3 x days Prednisone 40mg 1 x day Hydroxychloquine 300mg 1 x day Norethindrong 0.35mg 1 x day Omeprazole 40mg 1 x day Oysco 500 + D 500mg 2 […]
Hospital schedules
OMG. You don’t even understand how crazy hospital schedules are. It is a really tough regime especially when you are sick and need rest. Mine went something like this. 5:30am Wake up to get blood drawn. Yeah. Nothing like being poked when you wake up. 5:40am Get weighed 6:00am Delivery of your nasty breakfast 7:00am […]
Health update 1
Slowly getting better over here. Doing physical therapy 2 times a day with mom. I also am able to self-catherize. TMI. Still having back and side pains. Will be going to Rheumatology and Neurology appointments next week. Let’s see what they say. Other than that definitely on the mend slowly but surely. My mom has […]
My cray cray health update

I know that I haven’t been writing on here for some time and for good reason. I have just returned from a fabulous journey to the hospital for the past 2 weeks. And was terribly sick a few weeks prior to that. As it turns out, I had a virus. We still haven’t figured that […]