Sun sensitivity in lupus

Leaving my house these days takes almost as much energy as actually going out. It is pretty complicated due to the fact that I have sun sensitivity issues related to the lupus. Until last year I didn’t even know that I had any sun issues. I happily would hang out at the beach and never […]
Welcome to my life

Yes, folks, sometimes it is lupus. I know this all too well.
What is Wrong with Nerdgirl?
I know I haven’t fully disclosed what is going on and why the chemo and all the other rehab and hospital visits. It is really, really hard for me because it is the most frightening thing I have ever had to deal with in my life. So to say it out loud (or blog it) […]

Today was the second trip for chemo. Once again, the trip was pretty easy. The typical day goes something like this. Arrive at appointment (mine at always scheduled for Mondays at 1:00pm) Check in at front desk Get vitals done (height, weight, blood pressure, etc.) Wait for a bed or chair to open up, then […]
My Desired Things

by Max Ehrmann Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud […]
Cytoxan treatment, not supposed to be that bad, and an update

Doing a lot of research on my upcoming Cytoxan treament. Cytoxan is basically a drug that they use for chemotherapy. It is a long established drug and the side effects seem to be pretty mild. Since they are not treating me for cancer, rather lupus, I am not on a super high dose – only […]
Handy dandy mirror for self catheterization

This mirror has been totally useful for me to self catherize. It makes it really easy to hit the spot. Yes, I know that is gross, but that is life folks…Ups and downs. You gotta go with the flow (in this case, literally). 😉 The price seems to have gone up from where I bought […]
Health update
No real updates to report from here. Getting better at walking every day. Had a few little setbacks, but other than that all is good. I’m actually bored now and wanting to start working. Going to start external physical therapy hopefully this week. Neurology appointment set in a week so we can figure out what […]
My routine
I have gotten into a daily routine during recovery. This helps my body know what is going to happen when. 6:00 am Wake up 6:30 am Eat breakfast – usually Cream of Wheat 7:00 am Pee – Since I catheterize, I have to keep track of when I go 8:00 am Take medications 7:00-10:00 am […]
Health update
Here’s the latest. Recovering well. Doing physical therapy every day. Moving house tomorrow so I think I will skip it. Got a call from Dr. Gross saying that there are a lot of doctors talking about me. They want me to go see the neurologist again. They are also thinking of switching me off the […]