Spooky Mummy Lights

If you know most moms, then you know that the hardcore are already planning Halloween. This is not a holiday for the weak. Only the strong will survive… I thought this was a cute one to add to your Halloween arsenal. Mummy lights! You can either use them as super treat jars for giveaways or […]
For the Swedish child who has everything…a Saab Roadster

This is a bit overkill, but a seriously stylish pushcar for kids. The Playsam Saab Roadster. Quite beautiful. We’re pretty sure that Branjelina’s kids have about 6 of these. The Saab Roadster Car is an activity toy for small children. It has a clean and simple design, like Saab cars in general. The design of […]
Sam I Am, Green Eggs and Ham

How adorable are these little munchkins in their Green Eggs and Ham costumes? You can make the same costumes, thanks to Dana at her fabulous site Made who gives you detailed instructions on how to create the same look. Find out how here: http://www.dana-made-it.com/2009/11/sam-if-you-will-let-me-be.html
Do you love Where the Wild Things Are and Maurice Sendak?

via amazon.com I love Maurice Sendak book’s of past. Classics. In the Night Kitchen and Where the Wild Things Are. My favorite is Really Rosie starring the Nutshell Kids with Carole King singing. I seriously used to run around my house belting this out as a child. Maurice Sendak has released his first book that […]
What not to buy your kids. Tea Party Coloring Book

via cbsnews.com “When taxes are too high, the high tax takes away jobs and freedom,” reads one passage. “In 1773 we had a Tea Party and this led to freedom from high taxes. Today we are having another Tea Party and this will lead to freedom from high taxes again!” Creepy.
Shoes as Growth Chart

via realsimple.com This is a super cute idea. Framing your children’s old shoes. Awwwww.
Our Edie is the cutest!

Wow. She has gotten big. And even more adorable! Love her!
Gorilla t-shirt

via tadashop.com
Tiffin Funtastic

via to-goware.growsup.com I am kind of obsessed with containers. Even Tupperware gets me excited. So when I saw these really cute tiffins, you can imagine how happy I was. In India there are delivery boys that basically deliver hundreds of thousands of hot lunches in tiffins every single day. Retro cool, but also eco-friendly. Your […]
Red Apple Sub & Yellow Stripe, Green Polka Dot Snack Bags

via growsup.com So cool for lunch snacks