Nephews are the best

Visiting with the family for Mom’s 69th birthday. Hanging out my my nephews.
Well that is quite a cute little elf if I ever did see one….
Well that is quite a cute little elf if I ever did see one. Hector rocking the fascinator. (at Milf Valley) Spent Christmas Eve with the Estonian / Danish friends in Mill Valley. They think we Americans are silly because we celebrate on the wrong day. I think that means that I am lucky because […]
Ryder’s Photography

I gave my new camera to my 6 year old nephew when we were at garden center with food trucks and the results were amazing. I think the little dude has quite an eye! I love that the subject matter was very much on point for a 6 year old. His little brother, some flowers, […]
My Big Brother

My big brother has always either looked after me or kicked my ass. Either way, I love the guy. It is funny to me that he has three of his own little boys now and they are spitting images of him. Go Robesky fam!
The Best Part of Waking Up

We recently put a Skype video phone in my nephew Ryder’s bedroom. It is pretty cool because it is always on and he can call his Auntie Stephanie whenever he wants. The boys – Maveryck is pictured above – usually call me in the morning before they head out. It is always cute because they […]
One brother for sale!

My brother found my Shel Silverstein book to read to his boys. Seems that my 8 year old self had made a few edits to the content. Rather clever, I must say.
Mechatars – blended reality robot

This was a fun gadget to receive from the iloverobots folks. It is a Mechatar. A robot that connects to the computer that can engage in both online and offline battles. All in all it is a pretty simple robot. I would say that the average age of kid that would enjoy this robot would […] launches toys toys toys!

Wow. The fine folks at Quidsi have done it again. Quidsi is the parent company for my beloved,, and…geez. And now they have launched Yoyo is a toy store that features about 20,000 products – compared to Toyrus’ 10,000. Everyone knows that the reason I love so much is […]
Mommy, why is there a server in the house?

Wow. This is a weird attempt at a viral video from Microsoft to promote servers. I’m wondering why Daddy is the one who has to buy a server? And why does the Uncle smell like bark. Oh the great mysteries of the world.
Small Magazine – fashion for the little ones

I love Small Magazine. It is an online magazine that was created by two best friends that manages to be merge art and fashion for kids beautifully. It is published every month and I always look forward to seeing what great fashion spreads they have and what interesting tidbits and tips will be shared. This […]