Foggy as usual

Nice on the other side.
David and Eli

Tinsley the kitten update

Here are some new pics of the new kitten who will be coming my way at the end of August. She is the refined, bitchy looking one of the bunch. Note how she sits apart from the rest of the pack. See the full gallery on Posterous
Ever have jeans that are too long? Hem Gems are the answer…
via I think I’m in love with these things. I have this ongoing issue with the fact that jean / pant manufacturer’s make the legs so darned long. Then I am stuck with the dilemma of hemming them to high heel length or flats length. These Hem Gem’s seem to solve that issue. Whoop. […]
Bored to Death Season 2 – or why I heart Jason Shwartzman
via I love this show so much. And how could you not? Jason Shwartzman, Ted Danson, Zach Galifi-whatever. It is pure genius. If you don’t like this show then you don’t have a sense of humor and I don’t want to be your friend.
Dear Pandora, I don’t care what your CEO looks like…

I don't understand companies that send out newsletters with a giant picture of their CEO on it. Why exactly would I give a crap about Pandora's CEO and why would I even waste 1kb of bandwidth to look at him? Totally unnecessary, cheesy and ego-driven garbage.
Mapping family tree – the Ueda side

My mom just sent me a mapping of her mother's side of the family. Kind of interesting although I don't really know any of these people. Amazing that my grandmother had 8 siblings.
Vibration-powered battery that charges when you shake it up

via What if you put a vibration-powered battery into a vibrator? Does it just keep going forever? Just sayin…
Mobile Food survival kit would be a great gift

via This is a great gift idea for those foodies in your life. Contents: organic basil, cayenne, rosemary, ground cloves, curry, dill, granulated garlic, ginger, mustard powder, nutmeg, onion powder, oregano, paprika, pepper, and thyme; plus sea salt, wasabi powder, soy sauce and Tabasco sauce.
Must. See. This. Movie. ROBOGEISHA
via Geisha is Japanese girl. Geisha is ROBOT! This might quite possibly be the greatest movie ever made. It contains the following: Geisha missle. Geisha dance. Geisha army. Geisha chainsaw. Geisha harikari. Geisha katana. Geisha transform. Samurai robot. Geisha assasin. FRIED SHRIMP! Tengu milk. Shiro robot. Handicap gun. Bust machine gun (that makes butts […]