Obsessed: James Perse sweatpants

First off, I have to admit that my style of dressing has gotten really really comfortable.  I’m not quite at the point of wearing my PJs out of the house, but there is a lot less fashion in my life these days than in times past.  This might have something to do with the fact […]

‘Hangover 3’ – Seriously?

‘Hangover 3’ Stars Nearing Deals for Big Pay Increases (Exclusive) – The Hollywood Reporter. If you had the displeasure of watching Hangover 2, then you know what a giant piece of worthless poop it was.  I can’t believe that anyone would be willing to pay these guys $15m each to star in the next installment […]

Samsung transparent smart window

Samsung transparent smart window

I’m kind of digging on this technology that Samsung was previewing at this year’s CES. A transparent window with touchscreen technology. But then when I think about what window in the house this would go on, I am at a loss. Most windows aren’t placed in a location where you can readily or conveniently touch […]

Something like a Raynaud’s Phenomenon

As part of my fun with Lupus series, I wanted to talk about one of the annoying (amongst many) afflictions that I face. Raynaud’s Phenomenon Raynaud’s phenomenon is a condition in which cold temperatures or strong emotions cause blood vessel spasms that block blood flow to the fingers, toes, ears, and nose. Yep.  Snow or […]

Schmidt Brothers Cutlery Bonded Teak Series

  Schmidt Brothers Cutlery Schmidt Bros® Bonded Teak Series 15 Pc. Downtown Block Set. Read an article about the Schmidt Brothers who have started a company making a lower priced, but “just as good” knife set.  These are pretty fabulous looking with teak handles.  I have to say that at $415 for the set they […]

Hydration vessle = fancy for water bottle

No one needs to tell you that drinking lots of water is good for you, right?  But it is sometimes difficult to remember to keep hydrated.  I think that there were points in my life where I could go all day and not drink any water.  It seemed like such a hassle.  But all of […]

swackett makes weather fun

Are you sick of those same old boring weather reports?  The one where it shows you a cloud or a sun, but doesn’t really do anything for you?  Then you might enjoy Swackett.  It is a cute app – Mac Desktop or iPad or iPhone that actually gives you some useful weather information.  Like what […]

What is in Nerdgirl’s bag?

I usually travel with a lot of stuff.  I have a fear of not having the right technology at the right time, so I jam pretty much anything one could need into my bag.  If you ever need a spare charger or some way to transfer files, I am your (wo)man. So what exactly do […]