Not everything is Pinteresting

I couldn’t help myself.  I love Pinterest, but I am sick to death of seeing really stupid things on there.  A good example would be the “Keep Calm and …” posters that people put up there.  Or when people post someecards.  Anyhoo, that was the rant of the day.  Not everything is pinteresting.

Missed out on El Bulli?

Missed out on El Bulli? | Life and style | The Observer. Thankfully, I was not one of the folks that missed out on El Bulli.  And I won’t be the person who misses out on Tickets, a new(ish) tapas bar opened by Ferran Adria and his brother Albert in Barcelona.  Thanks to some good […]

Buy my shit

It is that time of year to do a clean out of all the electronics crap that I have collected over the past while. Make me an offer for any of this stuff otherwise it is ending up on Craigslist or eBay. But you have first pick. What do I have in this pile of […]

Juice cleanse update

I think that I was overly stupid and jumped the gun on doing the juice cleanse… I lasted a day and a half and started to feel really ill and decided that it was probably not the best idea to be so extreme given my current state of health. I got a splitting headache and […]

I love my Warby Parkers

For some reason my vision has gotten really blurry in the past month or so.  I’m not entirely convinced that it is my lasik faltering because it has happened quite literally overnight.  And there are points when I can see perfectly fine – like after drinking a glass of vino.  I believe that there is […]


I know that I shouldn’t be lusting after food while I am in the midst of a juice cleanse, but I couldn’t help myself.  I am totally obsessed with these tasty little pastries.  Every time I see one at Whole Foods, I end up buying on and devouring it.  I don’t even usually eat many […]

Awake trailer

Awake trailer

This looks like an interesting show from NBC.  The guy who is living with two realities. Series premier is March 1.

Bacon Milkshakes at Jack in the Box

  Jack In The box Selling Bacon Milkshakes | Bossip. I have to say that I am generally sick of the entire bacon craze.  Yes, we got it, you like bacon.  Everyone likes bacon.  It is fat, fried and salty.  It is the American diet all wrapped up into one. And now there is a […]

Can Can Cleanse

Being that I am so Californian these days, I decided to do a juice cleanse.  We do have a Blentek blender and a juicer, but the thought of juicing 8 different juices a day for 3 days seemed like way too much effort.  Yes, I am lazy.  So I started researching online to see what […]