Into My Arms
Because, hey, why not. I would say to play this at my funeral, but that upsets Bob so maybe I’ll just play it at his…
Happy birthday to me
Another year. Another karaoke birthday party! Had an awesome night with great friends. Getting old isn’t traumatising me as much as one might think. I am actually ok with it. Must be because I am blessed with that Asian thing where I don’t look as old as I actually am.
And We Used to Be Royals
So unfair, getting carded is getting rare.
Mistakes that startups make
When you start or join a startup the odds are already stacked against you, so why would you make things even harder on yourself by repeating what past entrepreneurs have done time and time again? How can you avoid these pitfalls? Why are they even pitfalls? How does everyone seem to fall into these traps? […]
After an overseas flight…
Just stepped of an overnight flight and I am done. This was the first time in a year that I have been able to navigate the treacherous waters of Heathrow Airport without the assistance of a wheelchair. Funny how things like this make me proud of myself for the progress I’ve made in the last […]
Woody Guthrie’s New Year Rulin’s
33. Wake Up And Fight 32. Make Up Your Mind 31. Love Everybody 30. Love pete 29. Love Papa 28. Love Mama 27. Help Win War — Beat Fascism 26. Dance Better 25. Play And Sing Good 24. Send Mary And Kids Money 23. Have Company But Don’t Waste Time 22. Save Dough 21. Bank […]
Impossible is nothing
I’m not sure if I should be proud of this or traumatised by this, but there it is. 107,344 miles flown this year. And the sad part is the year isn’t quite over and I still have another flight outbound. 2014 promises to be a calmer travel year with more focus on being healthy and […]
sriracha – the movie
“Sriracha” documentary trailer from Griffin Hammond on Vimeo. Who doesn’t love sriracha? If you don’t then there is something really wrong with you and I should reconsider your friendship (if I even know you). I backed this documentary on Kickstarter and even have a credit in the post roll. Well me and like 5,000 other […]
Breathometer – saving myself from a holiday dui?
The Breathometer showed up the other day from an indigogo campaign (and I guess they were also on Sharktank with Mark Cuban, but I never watch that show so I didn’t see it). I have a bad indigogo/Kickstarter habit so I didn’t even remember backing this one. Or maybe ironically I was drunk when I ordered […]
My reddit Secret Santa gift has arrived
How awesome! My reddit Secret Santa sent me a cookbook that I have been wanting and also a bbq grill cover. Both were on my amazon wishlist. He did say that I am hard to shop for. This is actually very, very true but somehow he managed to get awesome stuff. Thanks, @frederikolafsen!