Thanks to all the hundreds and hundreds of people that sent in their applications for the Noma Tokyo Date. It has been a completely chaotic and crazy week with all of the press that this has gotten worldwide. I can’t even begin to understand what went on.
I have officially closed off the applications now. I had my coffee dates with more people than I had originally anticipated to try to keep it all fair.
I will be notifying the people that I met who will unfortunately not be going with me and also officially asking the guy if he is still game to go to Tokyo (fingers crossed)!
I respect the privacy of everyone who has taken the time to write in with such great things to say and also to the identity of my final date, so I can’t promise that you will hear much about him other than how the date went. I will, however, be happy to share details of the food and the trip and all the other great people I will be meeting with in Tokyo. It will be a real adventure!
As for the rest of the applicants if you haven’t met with me already then I apologize. I will do my best to write back to as many people who really took the time to put themselves on the line for this adventure. It has really touched my heart to know that so many great people are out there.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.