For those of you who know me in the physical world, you may have heard me bitch in the past about the cult of Mac. Yes. I was a hater. Everytime I tried to use someone’s Mac I was completely annoyed by it. Annoyed because there was no right-click on the mouse and various other little things that I didn’t understand.
But then came the MacBook Air. And it was so slim and so pretty. It made my PC look like a clunky pile of poop. I instantly wanted to pet it and take it home where I could give it some love. So I took the plunge – rather blindly – and picked one up.
I started out pretty slowly with my usage. There were a few weeks there where I was carrying both the PC and the Mac to work since they were both pretty light.
I didn’t think that it would be possible to switch completely to a Mac AND still get work done. I mean, seriously, a Mac is a toy, right? Plus, there were a few applications that, unfortunately, I still needed in the PC world. A prototyping app and Access database.
Finally I installed VMWare Fusion and Windows XP home and now I have the best of both worlds. Yatta!
The funny thing is that I never realised how fugly the damned Windows world is. I mean, why the hell do I have to look at something install with a bunch of progress indicators and words that I don’t understand (reticulating splines=wtf). Plus all that extra complication with non-human words almost makes me cringe to think that I have been defending .inf files and registry edits for so long. Ugh puke.
So, I guess that I am living proof that you can:
a) move to a Mac fulltime in a work (can’t say corporate cause we are far from it) environment
b) convince even the most doubtful person that Mr Jobs makes wonderful products
See? I am happy to admit when I am wrong. I (h) my new MacBook Air.