Spent the entire weekend moving into our new digs in London. I even took Friday off in order to supervise the movers that had the tedious job of moving all of my 300 square feet worth of crap out of storage and up the huge flights of stairs to the new flat.
I had promised to give them a little thanks – so if you are moving in London and need a good company that works hard and has a great price – try using them! Call Graham at Big Van or look at their site www.bigvan.co.uk.
So Friday went by in a flash of cardboard boxes and running around like crazy people. Arlie had to move out of her flat as well which meant that we had two sets of movers going at once. I will say that it is much nicer than the days when we didn’t have any money and had to do all the moving ourselves (that sucks!).
Saturday was pretty much the same crap. It was great to get up and go out onto our terrace and wander down to Starbucks (yes, I went to Starbucks) to get a coffee. Then it was strictly DIY day. We have a great set of hardware stores at the end of our street which I ended up going into 3 times during the morning and making friends with all the guys. They even gave me a caulking gun for free!
I managed to be a super Miss Fix-it on Saturday. I put up a fence on the terrace to keep Roley from jumping onto the pub’s roof which looks pretty good considering the fact that it is made of chicken wire and fastened with electrical twist-ties. After that I put together the new patio heater (an essential of London summer evenings).
I actually really enjoyed myself doing all these little house tasks. I have a few more projects planned such as planting a mini-terrace garden for us to enjoy during the summer months.
After all of this, Arlie and I ran out to Homebase to find a BBQ so that we could have a nice little terrace BBQ on Sunday with the boys. We found a great little one for £50.
Sunday was super rainy and the boys were coming over for a Sunday roast/BBQ. So much for a sunny day on the terrace…
We persisted despite the rain and got our BBQ on. Quite funny actually. Everyone on the passing busses were laughing at us standing out there with the grill going. But the food was good and the company was great. We all enjoyed a nice dinner in our new eat-in kitchen. How fantastic to be able to sit 5 people in the kitchen and still have room!
Post dinner was a little bit of port and trivial pursuit (of which we all sucked at). Which brings me to one question… Why does everyone call Trivial Pursuit Genius edition…instead of Genus edition?
Now I’m in Tallinn for the rest of the week for work. Back on Thursday night and then off to Ireland on Friday to enjoy a weekend with Fiona Garvey and Tim and the entire Garvey clan for Easter Sunday. Should be super fun!