I just read this on article on Buzzfeed about “Why the Fake Geek Girl Meme Needs to Die”. I didn’t even know that a “fake geek girl” meme even existed, so that is news to me. I guess I’m not even geek enough to know about things that happen on the internets these days. Or wait, maybe I don’t actually care! Doh!
It is kind of touching to me that girls are even faking being geeky. I have paved the way for a million girls. Who knew that back in 1997 I was doing something that was trendsetting?!? Back then I was a social outcast who was taken in by the other dorks of Silicon Valley. Now it is rockstar to be a nerd. Back then, it was just geeks being geeks.
So, go forth and nerd on. Even if you are faking it.