Android App of the Week: Muni Alerts Pro

Hello, San Franciscans! If you live in the city and take Muni, then this is the app for you. Muni Alerts Pro by Ross McFarland. I use this thing pretty much on a daily basis to figure out when I have to tromp my butt up to the J-Church and also on my way […]
Mechatars – blended reality robot

This was a fun gadget to receive from the iloverobots folks. It is a Mechatar. A robot that connects to the computer that can engage in both online and offline battles. All in all it is a pretty simple robot. I would say that the average age of kid that would enjoy this robot would […]
Get rid of the Facebook live ticker

Do you hate the live ticker on Facebook as much as I do? I have found zero use in it thusfar apart from a neverending stream of bad music tastes and stories that have zero context. There is a very easy way to disable it from your life (as I have). To do this, you’ll […]
Moneyball the movie (and some advice for Hollywood)

We went to see Moneyball yesterday. Moneyball is a movie starring Brad Pitt and Johan Hill that is based on the book Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis, published in 2003, about the Oakland Athletics baseball team and its general manager Billy Beane. Its focus is the team’s modernized, analytical, […]