Poor nerdgirl.com is blocked in certain airports…

It appears that some 3rd party filtering system thinks that nerdgirl.com is porn related. Booohoo.
How to turn off linkedin setting to use your photo/name in their social advertising

via brandimpact.files.wordpress.com Do you think it is creepy to have a company use your photo and name to advertise to other members? Yeah. Me, too. That is why I have turned this “feature” off on Linkedin. And here is how you can do it. 1. Click on your name on your LinkedIn homepage (upper right […]
OSX Lion tip: Fix trackpad scrolling backwards

Damn you, Apple people. You can’t just go and change the direction that pages scroll on OSX Lion when you are using trackpads. Oh, wait. Steve Jobs, I guess you can… I hardly ever use my laptop in laptop mode so it took me until now to notice that when I use my trackpad it […]