California Wants to Require LGBT History in the Classroom

Adding to laws requiring schools to teach historical contributions of women and various racial and ethnic groups, California’s state assembly passed a bill this week that would make lessons on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people mandatory in public schools. If California’s governor does not veto the bill, the state will become the first in […]
OMG yum. Cheese crab and shrimp sandwich.

Taken with picplz.
Skype / Facebook video initial thoughts

See the full gallery on Posterous I’m really excited about the Skype / Facebook video integration. I have heard rumblings about this from inside of Skype for quite sometime now so it is great to see them finally pushing this out. (Thanks to Simon for being my model in the test photos) Try it out […]
I brokes the Facebook / Skype video calling… :(

Bye bye Smart, Hello Scion!

If you ever wanted a competitor to the Smart Car, the Scion iQ is here to fill the void. This all-electric mini car due to hit the streets in 2012 is not only adorable and eco-friendly, but a friend to short-range drivers as well – a charge gets a driving range of about 50 miles, […]