I am a technophile. I admit it. I always have to have the latest and greatest of gadgetry. That is why when the iPad2 was announced, I jumped on the bandwagon and bought one. In fact, I sold my original iPad before ever having laid eyes on the iPad2. And now 2 days into it I can honestly say that it didn’t really have that upgrade Wow! moment where I really feel like the $350 loss on the upgrade really made much sense.
The only difference is that this one is white and it has the cameras. Now, I admit that I am a big fan of the cameras because I wanted to skype with them. But if I were you, I’d think long and hard before giving up my original iPad unless you simply can not live without the cameras.
On another note, I now see why Facetime hasn’t taken off. I can’t figure out how to use it. Garbage. Good for Skype though!