A few other notes on the iPad and why I will keep my Kindle

There are still a few quirks with the iPad that I can't quite overlook. 1) It is heavy and awkward to hold. And I can't find a decent way to hold it in bed or on the sofa. It is definitely not comfortable on my lap when trying to type. In fact, it gives me […]
I found my use case for the iPad. A really expensive remote control + tv guide.
Yeah yeah. After all the bitching and moaning and complaining about my non-fanboy status I still ended up going out and getting an iPad. It was all a bit of trickery I tell you. I actually went to buy one for someone else in Europe and then somehow got suckered in by my own consumerist […]
Before and After Apartment Shots

See the full gallery on Posterous The apartment is pretty much done now. One more rug that is delivered tomorrow morning and I am calling my stint as an interior decorator as officially over. Oh wait, also still waiting on the artwork to be hung and 2 more posters to be framed. Then I am […]