Why I can’t justify buying an iPad (for now)…

via amazon.com I recently purchased a Samsung 46″ LCD TV for $750. I really can’t, in my mind, justify purchasing an iPad for $829. I’m sorry, fanboys, but this is absolutely a gadget that I am going to have to go without for awhile. I also can’t figure out my own use case for the […]
Pet shop owner caught in an undercover sting – selling a goldfish.

via guardian.co.uk Shop owners suspected of selling alcohol and cigarettes to underage customers have long been the target of “stings” by trading standards officials. But now a pet shop business has fallen foul of animal welfare laws by selling a goldfish to a 14-year-old boy. He was sent in to make a test purchase by […]
Waiting patiently for my sofa from Room & Board

via roomandboard.com Thankfully, it seems that it will arrive next week after a few month wait. Horray, something to sit on! Stay tuned for the before and after photoshoot of the new apartment.