I can’t wait to go scuba diving this week!

via divegallery.com I wish I could see a weedy sea dragon, but they only live in Southern Australia near Melbourne. Aimee and Dennis might get to see one. I hope they get a pic as good as this. Or just capture him and put him in a jar and send him to me to put […]
how i divide up my online life
I feel quite conflicted lately about my usage of different services. As anyone can tell, I have not been updating nerdgirl quite as frequently as I used to. This is due in part to the fact that I am a boring old lady these days and partially down to the fact that there are so […]
I like to run my product meetings like Stringer Bell.
via youtube.com Thanks @venturehacks for reminding me how the world is a much sadder place now that The Wire is finished. At least we have next season of Mad Men to look forward to.
If you ever wanted an R2D2 hat…

via twitpic.com How totally nerd alert is this. I’m having trouble deciding which is my fav. Quite like Jabba.