Went to a play last night with Jill and Arlie down at the Tricycle Theater in Kilburn called Fabulation or The Re-Education of Undine. I would recommend if you get a chance and you have a sense of humour you might actually enjoy this show.

As usual, I didn’t really know the storyline before I went (isn’t this the best way?) and was once again surprised to find myself having a good time. The play started out a bit slowly and I was unsure at first about the near slapstick nature of the actors, but this quickly dissolved into actual good dialogue and a plot that makes you say “what the fuck is going on? is there really a grandmother doing heroin?”. I am the kind of person that enjoys these types of antics and ended up giggling my way through the entire thing.
The storyline is pointless for me to try to explain here but let’s just say that it is ghetto fabulous…and ultimately ends up trying a bit of a social statement whilst ending in a romantic comedy. WTF? Yes, just go and see it and figure it out for yourselves.
Another £12 well spent and great evening enjoyed in the company of friends.
From The Guardian:
Undine is an Ab Fab creature with her own Manhattan PR firm. But, when her Latino husband absconds with all her money, leaving her pregnant, her world disintegrates. Forced back to the Brooklyn family she disowned, she discovers what it is like to be black and poor in America. She’s picked up in a drugs bust, forced into group counselling, given the runaround by social services. But, in the process of acknowledging her roots, she also undergoes moral re-education.