Arrived home today from a quick trip to Tallinn for some meetings and I am completely and totally exhausted. I am on the verge of illness.
This might have something to do with the fact that I started out the week on Sunday/Monday morning by waking up at 3 am to prep for my journey out of Stansted at 6 am. Yes, this was partially my own fault because I could’ve taken the Sunday afternoon flight, but I was making a “statement” about my Sunday afternoons being MY time and I opted for the morning Easy Jet flight.
Jesus, what was I thinking? First off I always hate to fly Easy Jet unless I am absolutely forced to fly them. Second off because the only way to get to Stansted airport is by going all the way to Liverpool street station, which might as well be in Timbuktu at 4 am, and taking a 45 minute train to the airport. Not the most pleasant experience, but would almost be doable if it weren’t for the fact that once you arrive at Stansted airport you are met by 10,000 people standing in queues at Easy Jet counters and you end up waiting for 45 minutes to check-in. Then you are told that you have to check everything in unless it fits into a tiny little bag. I don’t even understand what the hell these size restrictions have anything to do with battling terrorism since they don’t allow you to carry pretty much anything else on board anyway, but I digress.

After you check all your crap you stand in a queue that is at least 400 people deep in a Disneyland style system (menos the fun ride at the end) for the next 45 minutes. When you get to the end of the line you realise that all 400 of you have been standing there trying to go through one metal detector. Yes, one. Great fucking scheme they have going there.
By the time I arrived to Estonia I was exhausted and pissed off. This feeling continued for the past two days until I had to more or less repeat the entire adventure on my way home.
Therefore I vow never to fly from Stansted airport again. As for Easy Jet I wish I could keep the same promise but unfortuntely for me I have a flight on Friday evening to Barcelona with them… Damn it, will I ever learn?