I have a serious eBay addiction. Someone should do an intervention on my shopping habits because I find myself searching for some seriously stupid crap (and finding it) on eBay.

I buy a good amount of my clothes on eBay. Some people find this odd because obviously you can’t try things on. But that doesn’t stop me. I continue on my global shopping mission by scouring the site for cute and original things. Sometimes things don’t fit, but mostly they are OK. Plus I really can’t stand going into shops all the time and trying stuff on and then queuing up to pay. Something about online shopping is semi-guilt free since I don’t have to sign anything and no cash gets pulled from my bag.
I have also taken to pretty much buying everything from eBay.
Over the past months this has included:
As long as I steer clear of my old habit of buying action figures then I think we are OK…Too bad all this shopping doesn’t drive up the piddly poop eBay stock price so my Skype shares might be worth something. 🙁