my garbage

Ahh. The joys of living above a semi-rough pub in England… First off, we get to have all kinds of fun looking people hanging around our house drinking pints and pints of lager. Secondly, it is great during the summer months when aforementioned patrons decide that their bladders can not hold anymore lager and they […]
flip flop

I am officially addicted to my Havaianas flip flops. Seriously, if I could wear them every single day of my life, I would. They are so damned comfortable and pretty cute as well. They are part of the reason that I look forward to summer! If you don’t own a pair, run out and get […]
una cucharacha in los albondigas
Went to a great dinner with Arlie tonight to a Spanish tapas place around the corner that everyone has been raving to me about. The word on the street about this particular restaurant was that “it makes Spanish people cry”. Meaning that it was so authentic that they were actually moved to tears to have […]
i heart nyc

Found these photos on Xispo’s flickr images of a trip to NYC. Makes me want to take a journey over the pond for a little bit of big apple action… it’s been far too long.