Searching for nerdgirl via google gives some interesting results

  Thanks Tim for pointing this out… Tim De Somere  to stephanie i searched for nerdgirl by mistake instead of going to,and the first picture that comes up in the search results is you!! how cool is that! you look slightly different, maybe it’s the glasses x tim  

The Woman Who Thinks Like a Cow

The Woman Who Thinks Like a Cow

via I really want to see the Temple Grandin HBO movie with Claire Danes which has been heralded as amazing. Here is a BBC documentary about the real Temple Grandin. Part II –  Part III –  Part IV –  Part V – 

Top Chef Season 4 – Richard and Jen are the same person

Every time I watch an episode of Top Chef with Richard and Jen, I can't help but think that he either looks like a lesbian with a bad haircut or she looks like a homosexual male with a bad haircut.  Either way, they both look like the same person which creeps me out. Here is […]

My favorite Android apps

Let's all be honest here.  We install a lot of apps, but we don't actually use a lot of apps.  I'm making a list of apps that I actually use on my Nexus One. Here goes. Google Maps – Hells yes.  This gets used pretty much every day.  Especially useful with calendar integration to get […]

Gmail feature request: Block and delete button

I have been doing my best to unsubscribe myself from newsletters lately, but sometimes things don't have unsub links on them or their unsubscribe processes are so ridiculous that I don't actually have the time to be bothered.  Occasionally I click on the Report Spam button in Gmail, but I do this only when I'm […]

I’m the Queen of Freemium

I’m all for paying for services and content, but thinking about how many different subscriptions that I have to pay for makes me feel a little bit sick. It would be nice for someone to build out an online subscription dashboard for me to manage all these services because, frankly, I’m confused with all their […]