Sonos rocks my world

Sonos rocks my world

Wait. What? Why didn’t anyone tell me how awesome Sonos has become?!? I feel like such a techno loser right now for not being up to date on the Sonos revolution. Yes, I have heard of Sonos before. But the idea that they were some proprietary mid-range expensive music system with a shitty remote was […]

Coming out of the closet

I’m sure that got your attention, didn’t it? Well, no, I’m not coming out of the closet in that way.  I have actually decided to come out of the closet about the fact that I have a chronic disease called Lupus (SLE).  This isn’t such a shocker to those that are close to me.  I was diagnosed […]

The shoe that everyone can hate

These would be the ultimate show that one loves to hate.  Part Ugg, part Croc and part Vibram – or as I call them, Monkey Toes.  100% ugly!  🙂

Work It – Might be as bad as Two Broke Girls

Work It - Might be as bad as Two Broke Girls

Wow. Work It looks horribly bad. I mean, really, Bosom Buddies was kind of awesome. Cutting edge type stuff. But Work It? Really? I think this officially gets classified as bad tv. Weigh in…

Big Ups to LA and Eames from Ice Cube

Big Ups to LA and Eames from Ice Cube

What, just because he is Ice Cube everyone is surprised that he has good design sensibility and likes Eames? Still, I give props for him bigging up some of the less seen elements of LA.

Kindle Fire – after a week of usage – review

Kindle Fire - after a week of usage - review

Let me preface this “review” by saying that I have owned every single Kindle version since they came out. From that big ugly bulky white thing until now. I also have an Android phone that is rooted and has a custom ROM called MIUI installed and am a proud owner of an iPad and a […]