Another Reason to Love Living In San Francisco
Reasons to love living in San Francisco #4,703. That a) there is even this talk of banning public nudity mostly due to the “naked guys” who walk around the Castro with their junk out wearing cock rings b) that it is no surprise whatsoever that a nudist would show up and call the “anti-public […]
Bodyform – The best corporate video. Ever.
This might possibly be the best corporate video of all time about maxi-pads.
Homer Simpson’s take on Obamacare
Homer votes in the 2012 elections. Who will he choose? Obama or Romney?
Spawn of Bob
The dude with the beard that is kissing the other guy and picking on Coors beer? Yeah. That is my father, Bob. I guess I can be forgiven for my lack of social graces when this was my role model. Ahh, my Pop. Gotta love him.
Girl in the Bubble
It really sucks when the entire world, including your own house, becomes your enemy.
An Artist and His Drugs
Artist Takes Every Drug Known to Man, Draws Self Portraits After Each Use. I can pretty much understand that by the time he is at the last portraits he is in the hospital. Ouch. That is a lot of chemicals to ingest in the name of art.
A love letter to my white blood cells
Dearest White Blood Cells, Oh you pesky little buggers that keep me alive and free from nasty infections. I never really thought of you much and that was wrong of me. A terrible oversight that makes my heart ache and my mind tense from the thought of what life could be without you. Alas, at […]
Roley Still Lives On!
I don’t use a Windows machine anymore which means that I don’t get to see my beloved Roley cat anymore who lives hidden in the depths of Skype. But I did find this video that shows that he was still alive and well as of November 2011. Microsoft better not kill my cat.
You’d better watch yo back. I got a cane and I’m not afraid to use it. Cane for Self-defense DVD: Gordon Oster, Sang H. Kim: Movies & TV. Yes. It really does exist. Yes. It seems like it would be kind of amazing in a Neopolitan Dynamite sort of way. Am I going to buy it? Maybe. Be prepared.
I lied. A chemo followup. Hilarity and pain ensue.
So it is Saturday following the chemo that I had on Monday. And my perspective on chemo has changed radically from the afternoon that I wrote that post after having spent 3 days in the hospital following my infusion. I arrived home around 5:30 in the evening and felt completely fine. My lovely friend and […]